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The City of Greenville, TX and Greenville Majors Airport Present

Armed Forces Day
Historic Aircraft Fly-In

Saturday, May 17

Greenville, TX
Majors Airport

Barnstormer Saturday Fly-In

FREE Admission    FREE Parking

Military, vintage and classic aircraft

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Greenville, TX
Greenville Majors Airport

Saturday, May 17
9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Main Terminal Ramp
101 Majors Rd.  Greenville, TX

Sponsored by the City of Greenville, TX
and Greenville Majors Airport


Special Guest Aircraft
Scheduled to Appear

Appearances subject to weather and maintenance requirements.

Douglas C-47

"That's All Brother"

The plane that lead the D-Day Invasion at Normandy.

To book a ride on the C-47 click below.

North American B-25 Mitchell Bomber

"Yellow Rose"

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To book a ride on the B-25 click below.

A-26 Bomber

"Lady Liberty"

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The "Pepsi-Cola Stinson"

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Jimmy Doolittle's Shell Oil Stinson

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American Airlines
Route Survey Plane


Plus classic and antique planes from the Texas Antique Airplane Association

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FREE Admission
FREE Parking

These Historic Aircraft are Scheduled to Attend,
and are available for RIDES.

subject to weather and maintenance.

Visit our Ride Desk at the event to purchase a ride on any of the following aircraft.

C-47 "That's All Brother"


This aircraft was the lead plane on D-Day over Normandy.  Sit where the paratroopers were that jumped to help start the invasion of the Continent and the fall of Nazi Germany.  The plane holds ten passenger.


Prices start at $269.

B-25 Bomber "Yellow Rose"

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The B-25 was the bomber that flew off a carrier deck for the famous "Doolittle Raid".  Fly along as a crew member and experience the thrill of standing where heroes fought for our freedom.  The plane holds one passenger.


Prices start at $449.

PT-19 "Spirit of Corsicana"

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Fly in an open cockpit trainer.  The PT-19 was the basic trainer for the majority of WWII pilots.   You'll feel the wind in your hair and the excitement in your bones.   


Prices start at $195.

SAVE $20...   Ride before 11:00 am and get $20 off.

Beechcraft C-45 "Bucket of Bolts"


During and after World War II the C-45 saw military service as a light transport, light bomber, aircrew trainer (for bombing, navigation and gunnery), photo-reconnaissance, and "mother ship" for target drones.  The plane holds four to five passengers.


Prices start at $150.

SAVE $20...   Ride before 11:00 am and get $20 off.

Stinson L-5 "Miss Ziggy"

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The L-5 is affectionately known as the "Flying Jeep".  The primary purpose was courier, communications, artillery spotting and casualty evacuation. The plane holds one passenger.


Prices start at $150.

Stearman PT-17

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The Stearman was the primary trainer aircraft flown by the Allied nations before and during WWII.   Take a ride in this open cockpit biplane and feel the wind in your hair.  The plane holds one passenger. 

Prices start at $295

Beechcraft T-34 "Mentor"

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You can ride aboard an authentic Air Force trainer.  The T-34 was used extensively to train the jet pilots of the Cold War.  Your cockpit will feature a control stick between the legs, and a sliding canopy above your head.  Vision is great out the glass canopy as you fly along.

Prices start at $275

This event is sponsored by, and courtesy of Greenville Majors Airport, and the City of Greenville, TX. 


Special thanks to:

Commemorative Air Force

Historic Aircraft Preservation Society

International Stinson Club

TX Antique Airplane Association

Majors Flying Club

Civil Air Patrol

Experimental Aircraft Association

Thank you...


Our office is located at the

DFW Wing Hangar 

650 Ferris Rd. Lancaster,TX 75146

Open Weekends

Saturday  9am - 4pm

Sunday    12pm - 4pm

Weekdays by appointment

Contact Us At:

Mailing Address

DFW Wing

C/o Jim Breitenstine

1533 El Campo Drive

Dallas, Tx 75218

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© 2023 by Commemorative Air Force - DFW Wing


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